About me

Alex Malitsky photo

Hi! I'm Alex Malitsky — frontend architect and tech lead based in San Francisco Bay area.

Until recently I worked for VMware as UI team lead and prior to that as a senior UI engineer for the software load-balancer UI since the early days of AviNetworks.

I specialize in:

  • frontend architecture
  • UI infrastructure (bundlers, linters, dev servers, testing)
  • JavaScript, TypeScript and OOP
  • AngularJs & Angular
  • D3 (data visualizations)
  • UX

Currently I'm working on web projects of my own (including this blog) and open source contributions.

I'm a big fan of cars (esp car design and sports cars racing) and nuclear energy. You can expect posts, projects and examples/illustrations related to those subjects.

In this blog I'm writing down ideas and learnings from my development and engineering experience. Main reason being the desire to reflect on these and have them formulated in more or less succinct form so that I, myself, could come back and re-learn something if needed.

You can find me on twitter, github, linkedin or at alex at amalitsky dot com.

Opensource Projects

Spell a Number - spells number in plain English. Useful for legal documents. Number-speller NPM module.

Opensource Contributions

Statoscope - amazing tool for analyzing application bundle with extensive linting abilities. My contributions.